Rosignano Marittimo



One summer night, the Sea spoke to the Hills: “These lands that I have lapped for thousands of years, hold no secrets from me. They have always united our hopes and dreams. I would like to tell you about the festive atmosphere of the ancient port of Vada and the ships ready to sail to distant shores, to exchange the goods of our fertile land with soft silks and exotic spices.”

“We know those ships well,” answered the Hills, “We gave them wood from our forests.”

“Or tell you,” continued the Sea, “of the sad seasons in which I was surrounded by swampy marshes and furrowed by Turkish sailing vessels. Grim towers scowled at me with suspicion and solitary cavalrymen watched the roads, by now empty of wagons.”

“But we,” the Hills were saying, “we did not forget you. Strong fortresses welcomed the shaken people, by offering them shelter between the solid walls, until the Archduchy of Austria healed your shores, and life fl ourished in the shade of green pine forests.”

“Yes,” murmured the Sea, “and I remember when I lazily posed for the great painters, the Macchiaioli they call them, that have left an indelible memory of my natural beauty in their art.”

“Of course,” echoed a shady knoll, “This memory also unites us. An elderly teacher named Silvestro often kept me company in the small village of Gabbro, intent on capturing glimpses of life.” And the light of dawn found them still together sharing memories and planning a long journey together.



Built on the summit of a green hill and facing the sea, the village of Rosignano Marittimo is dominated by the castle, well preserved towers, the cistern, and the church of Sant’Ilario. Of particular interest, is the Civic Archaeological Museum with fi nds from prehistory to the Middle Ages. Rosignano has a whole series of trails immersed in the green of the Poggetti Park that open to particular discoveries: the washhouses at the source of the Poggetti, and the Windmill.

Rosignano is in the last part of the Livorno Mountains Park that reaches to the sea. Here, on a small promontory, the ancient Etruscan village of Castiglioncello is today a unique tourist resort with red cliff s overlooking the sea, beaches, bathing establishments, coves, sheltered bays, and a beautiful pine forest. A clear sea bathes the rocky coast between Chioma and Castiglioncello and the beaches between Rosignano Solvay and Vada are famous for their white sands.

The hilly hamlets of Castelnuovo della Misericordia, Gabbro, and Nibbiaia off er rural countryside and woods of rare beauty. You can travel through a dense network of trails and ancient paths that lead to points overlooking the archipelago. There are ample oppotunities for sports enthusiasts, beginning with a variety of watersports, with no shortage of moorings for boating excursions. In time, Castiglioncello has inspired artists like the Macchiaioli painters, filmmakers, and writers, and has welcomed personalities from the world of culture and show business. Still today, it is a culturally vibrant center.



Via Aurelia 967/A
Tel. +39 0586.752323


Piazza San Nicola 6
Tel. +39 0586.792973

Piazza Garibaldi 93
Tel. +39 0586.788373

City Harbour ‘Cala de’ Medici’
Tel. +39 0586.760818

Rosignano Marittimo, Toscana Italia | (Allarga la mappa)