The sense of silence

The Sense of Silence … an innovative, new visitor experience


We have created a Project for enjoying our area based on an idea: Silence is not only the absence of sounds and noises; it is, above all, a magical set of elements to be perceived and experienced.

“The sense of silence” came about from a pilot action of a European project undertaken in August 2022 as an innovative model for exploiting the natural spaces in five Municipalities.

Around the Tufaia lakes in Campiglia Marittima, in the pinewood of Castagneto Carducci, in the Scornabecchi Gardens in Riparbella, along the Bufalaio ring in Sassetta and in the Camaiano Park in Rosignano Marittimo, we have created a series of events to experience the environment and its silence with all our senses: hearing with the harmonies of music, sight with the colours of dawn or the contrasting light of the moon, taste with the flavours of the wild herbs of the woods or touch with the silent perception of the bark of the trees help us understand how to “experience” silence and the ecosystem we inhabit … the true “sense” of silence.

The sites that have hosted experiences of meditation, nocturnal trekking and artistic performances have become venues to be reached along footpaths through the woods, where activities are illustrated on notice boards and where experience events are held to celebrate silence and its incredible sensations in the various seasons of the year.

The Etruscan Coast Tourist Area website (accessible by QRcodes positioned throughout the areas of silence) shows a map of the areas, how to reach them and what experiences can be had.

We have created a network of Municipalities, associations and businesses in the tourism sector that has given life to a different approach to welcoming visitors and offering unique experiences.

Listen to the sound of water: